NASA's new twitter robot is hilarious
NASA's new twitter robot is hilarious
NASA has recently developed a robot called Robonaut 2 in order to help with “mundane chores and risky missions” while aboard the International Space Station. Of course, he has a Twitter account and already has over 13,000 followers. These are some of his funnier tweets…
Your tax dollars hard at work here people. And to think if he was called Robonaut Bieber, he’d already have over a million fans.
NASA has recently developed a robot called Robonaut 2 in order to help with “mundane chores and risky missions” while aboard the International Space Station. Of course, he has a Twitter account and already has over 13,000 followers. These are some of his funnier tweets…
Your tax dollars hard at work here people. And to think if he was called Robonaut Bieber, he’d already have over a million fans.
[Robonaut 2], which operates on pre-programmed plans, looks like half an astronaut. It has a torso, head, arms and hands and can operate much like an astronaut would on the space station. In this way R2 differs from Dextre, a non-humanoid maintenance robot that lives outside the International Space Station. B***** Dean is the press officer at the Johnson Space Center in Houston. As she told, “We’ve never put a dexterous humanoid robot in space before. So we can make theories about how they’ll behave in space, but it’s always great to check them.”
“Over $200,000 dollars worth of gas and we’re not even halfway there. Next time I’m taking the bus.”
“Sometimes I say ‘I’m sorry Dave, I can’t do that’ just to eff with our new guy Steve.”
“I just met R2-D2. What a ****.”
“Finally in space like mr hero Sputnik II!”
“If robots can’t make mistakes then how did I get VD from that Taiwanese fembot I met in Dallas?”
“Wall-E was a pansy. J-5 was the hot s**t. Short Circut Foreva!”
“The worst part of this job is that almost anyone can come up to you and just stick their hand in your circut board.”
“Right before we take off, I yell ‘Terminators! Mount Up.’”
“When I get back I’m going right to the strip club like an ATM on his day off and making it ri-zain! Beep-bop-boop.”
Me. Bender. Bathtub gin drink-off. Make it happen Comedy Central.
“That Transformers movie is so far off-base. Everyone knows the robot uprising doesn’t start until this February.”
“Where does a guy gotta go to get some privacy while polishing his joystick around here?”
“If I hear one more Mr. Roboto joke, I’m going Jonestown on this shuttle.”
“Sometimes I say ‘I’m sorry Dave, I can’t do that’ just to eff with our new guy Steve.”
“I just met R2-D2. What a ****.”
“Finally in space like mr hero Sputnik II!”
“If robots can’t make mistakes then how did I get VD from that Taiwanese fembot I met in Dallas?”
“Wall-E was a pansy. J-5 was the hot s**t. Short Circut Foreva!”
“The worst part of this job is that almost anyone can come up to you and just stick their hand in your circut board.”
“Right before we take off, I yell ‘Terminators! Mount Up.’”
“When I get back I’m going right to the strip club like an ATM on his day off and making it ri-zain! Beep-bop-boop.”
Me. Bender. Bathtub gin drink-off. Make it happen Comedy Central.
“That Transformers movie is so far off-base. Everyone knows the robot uprising doesn’t start until this February.”
“Where does a guy gotta go to get some privacy while polishing his joystick around here?”
“If I hear one more Mr. Roboto joke, I’m going Jonestown on this shuttle.”
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